Laufende Dissertationen

Exploring Causal Mechanisms between Local Agreements for Humanitarian Access and Conflict DynamicsBehrens, Mario
From Offline to Online: Analyzing the Impact of Gendered Representation in PoliticsBoukemia, Jana
How does the binary construction of a conflict shape peace processes?Cho, Jacqui 

Party Leaders’ Pathways to Power and their Impact on the Party

Claessen, Clint

The Scales of Good Peace: How Norms of Mediators Influence Communal Conflict Resolution EffortsGamez, Samantha
Visual and political representations: interactions between visual and discursive representations in armed conflitcs and political roles of women in peace processes and after settlementsMigeon, Marie 

Roles of key civil society actors in nuclear disarmament: epistemic communities in mulit-track diplomacy foras

Nurzhan, Marzhan

How is the commitment to women’s political participation in North East Syria realised in practice?

Wartmann, Julia


Abgeschlossene Dissertationen


Politics of Peace and Conflict: The Role of Local Business Actors in Sri Lanka (2014)

Alluri, Rina

Managed pacification: aid, peace, and the focus on results in Myanmar’s transition

Bächtold, Stefan

Ethnic decentralization and negotiating statehood in urban Ethiopia: a case study of Adama and Hawassa cities

Bekele, Demissie Ferdissa

Resistances to Transitional Justice at the Extraordinary Chambers  in the Courts of Cambodia

Bernath, Julie

Privatisierung von Sicherheit und Frieden? Einstellungen gegenüber Kooperationen von Streitkräften mit privaten Militärfirmen. Eine vergleichende Studie Deutschlands und der USA (2010)

Bürgin, Annina

Die Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik Österreichs und der Schweiz gegenüber der GASP der Europäischen Union. Eine diskurstheoretische Analyse (2007)

Doktor, Christoph

The Political Stability of Post-Insurgent States: Institutional Legacies of Rebel Governance in Eritrea and South SudanDirkx, Toon
Dynamics of Emotions in Protracted Intergroup Conflict as Microfoundations for Violent Action – Insights for Conflict Transformation from the Palestinian TerritoriesFink, Oliver

Anti-corruption Agencies in Statebuilding: A Critical Perspective on the Legitimation of Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

Germperle, Sergio

‘We ought to care’: tracing the impact of international business and human rights norms on Swiss CSR policy

Graf, Andreas

Bridging the Gap: The Interaction between Local and International Peacebuilding Actors in Ituri (2014)

Hellmüller, Sara

Parliamentarians and Interest Groups: Drivers and Consequences of CollaborationHuwyler, Oliver

EU-Mitgliedstaaten in der Gemeinsamen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik: eine rollentheoretische Analyse der Politiken Deutschlands und der Niederlande

Klein, Tanja

Saving Strangers in Darfur: International Norms Lost in Translation

Lanz, David

Developing the Afrian Union Tranistional Justice Policy. A Study in Transitional Justice ExpertiseLühe, Ulrike

Die Neuorientierung der Schweizer Europapolitik 1988 - 1992: Vom Bilateralismus zum Beitrittsziel (2011)

Marti, Simon

Promoting Peace or Selling Norms? NGO Mediators and ‘All-Inclusiveness’ in Myanmar’s Peace Process

Palmiano Feder, Julia

Understanding foreign large-scale agricultural investments in Ethiopia

Poluschny-Treuner, Myra

Making the Middle: Localizing Inclusivity in the IGAD-led Mediation in South Sudan (2013-2015)

Pring, Jamie

Transitional Justice as an Instrument for Political Struggles: Dealing with the Past and State-Formation in Burundi

Rubli, Sandra