Degree Programs
The BA and MA Political Science programs have been in effect since 2017.
In addition, the Institute of Political Science is involved in interdisciplinary degree programs at the bachelor's, the master's, postgraduate, and doctoral levels:
- Postgraduate programs in civilian peacebuilding (swisspeace)
- Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S)
- International Graduate School (IGS) North South
In principle, all members of the department are able to provide advice on the Political Science programs. However, please read the documents, the study regulations, guidelines, and FAQs before you sign up for an advisory appointment.
Please note that we cannot answer questions about the content and processes of other degree subjects.
Please find Gernot Biersack's current office hours here.
For information about applying and studying at the University of Basel, or for questions which arise in connection with a change of study subject, please consult the Student Administration Office of the University of Basel (Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel).
For questions about examinations (registration, deadlines, dates), the recognition of credits and grades achieved at other universities, or the management of credit points, please contact the Student Administration Services of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Bernoullistrasse 28, 4056 Basel).