Faculty Group
The Political Science Faculty Group (Fachgruppe Politikwissenschaft) represents the interests and concerns of the students of Political Science in their interactions with professors, the Faculty and the University of Basel. It also serves as a discussion forum for university policy matters.
The students' plenary meeting is the heart of the Faculty Group. It takes place once a year and all students of Political Science are invited to attend. Suggestions for the improvement of the university, opinions and requests, as well as active collaboration on the part of the students is always welcome.
The board of the Faculty Group carries out various organizational and coordination tasks on behalf of the students. In addition, the board organizes events and appoints student representatives to the bodies in which the Faculty Group has a permanent seat. The board members are elected in the plenary meeting. You can find out about current events on the "Political Science" channel of the SKUBA Discord server.
Currently the board members are:
- Laura Huber
- Lena Weber
- Mara Bachl
- Tobias Zollinger
- Pascal Keel
- Sarah Brefin
- Helena Quarck
- CĂ©line Henzmann
- Mariana Garcia
- Charlotte Wild
Do you have questions, suggestions or requests? Contact the board directly by mail: fachgruppe-powi@clutterunibas.ch
The Faculty Group Political Science is also on Instagram! Follow us here and stay up to date!
Your Faculty Group (FG)